Friday, February 11, 2011

Miss Nothing

This band has really surprised me. I have never really been one for "argghhh my life is so evil, I am such a rebel" moan moan people such as Taylor Momsen, but there is something I really dig about her. Her style, her music, her 'fuck you' attitude - it all works for her, and makes me want to see more and more of The Pretty Reckless. Right now I am loving them. I think her voice is so unique - kind of like a female version of The Kings Of Leon. Its hot!

I think this video is absolutely AMAZING. I love, love, love it! The art direction is unbelievable: the concept of the video, the colors, the way everything is positioned, what Taylor is wearing - everything. This is definitely one of the best music videos I have ever seen by far and I can't wait for Miss Nothing to make some more awesome, hot stuff!


  1. cool song :0Thanks for the sweet sweet comment, hope you visit back :)

  2. great video!!!
    I am your new follower. You can follow me back if you want :)

  3. oh I know what you mean! I totally expected to hate her band as well but...:O
